Utah Mission

Mikey and Andy....happy to be riding powder.
Some of the worst choices I've made in life have been impulsive...ordering a philly cheese steak sandwich at a sushi joint, dying my hair pink before a family gathering, getting behind the wheel when I knew I was too tired... the list goes on. But buying a ticket to Salt Lake City, Utah the day before I flew out was one of the better decisions I have made. Mikey LeBlanc hit me up the day before he was leaving for Utah telling me that it just dumped out there and that I should definitely come out. Seeing as I've never ridden Utah, hadn't been able to ride powder yet this season, and well...it was an opportunity to ride with Mikey, Andy Wright, and friends....I couldn't pass it up.

Some of the worst choices I've made in life have been impulsive...ordering a philly cheese steak sandwich at a sushi joint, dying my hair pink before a family gathering, getting behind the wheel when I knew I was too tired... the list goes on. But buying a ticket to Salt Lake City, Utah the day before I flew out was one of the better decisions I have made. Mikey LeBlanc hit me up the day before he was leaving for Utah telling me that it just dumped out there and that I should definitely come out. Seeing as I've never ridden Utah, hadn't been able to ride powder yet this season, and well...it was an opportunity to ride with Mikey, Andy Wright, and friends....I couldn't pass it up.

Last run of the day we took a hike to the top to take some untracked turns. Best powder I think I have ever ridden,

Brighton was the mountain of choice... less crowds, more fun.
Mikey at the top

Awesome to see Andy Wright on the mountain.

MolcaSalsa... if you have been, then you know. If you have not, you're missing out.

Random trip to the thrift store

Mikey found these glasses

Flattering?... not so much. Amazing?.... definitely.

Gertrude, a little old lady I found shopping around

Bowling with some of the Videograss crew

Louif and Bilocq

Mikey and his dog Ruby

Labels: Andy Wright, Brighton, Laura Austin, Mikey LeBlanc, Powder, snowboarding, utah
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