Matt & Kim in Burlington
Last night Matt & Kim put on an amazing show at Higher Ground in Burlington, VT. If you haven't heard of them, check them out. There is a video of one of my favorite songs by them at the end of the post. It is a two man show with Matt on the keyboard and vocals and Kim on the drums. They are Brooklyn based, but Matt grew up in Vermont and he definitely seemed to be happy to be in his home state. These two had enough energy to get a retirement home riled up, I don't think they stopped smiling the entire show. After they were done playing, Matt jumped into the audience, and of course was bombarded by tons of girls trying to get a hug. Both Matt and Kim stayed around to talk and sign autographs, a pleasant surprise you don't see too often. If they happen to be playing at a venue around you, I highly recommend going. Here are a few random shots from the night.

Matt giving out some hugs.

Tom with his screen printed poster

Lauren still dancing even after the show ended.

Kim signing some autographs.

Matt signing someone's Metro Card
The music video for their song "Daylight"

Matt giving out some hugs.

Tom with his screen printed poster

Lauren still dancing even after the show ended.

Kim signing some autographs.

Matt signing someone's Metro Card
The music video for their song "Daylight"
Labels: Burlington, concert, Higher Ground, Laura Austin, LAustin Design, Matt and Kim, Vermont
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