Monday, November 30, 2009

Deja Vu

Making the drive from Vermont to Southern California, again. I'm taking a full time design job over at Quiksilver.... so I had to pack myself up and do the drive across the country for the 3rd time in the last few months. I doubt I'll be making another movie of my trip, but I'll definitely be taking pictures along the way. It should take me two days to get to Colorado where I will stop and ride for a day. Then another day to get from Colorado to California. Here is my video from my last trip out there.

VT to CA Roadtrip from Laura Austin on Vimeo.

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Monday, November 23, 2009

Nantucket Part 1


About a month or so ago I went down to Nantucket with some family.... it was my first time to this island off the coast of Massachusetts. This was an interesting time to be there because fall is an off season for the island... so it was dead. Which to be honest, was pretty cool to experience. I loved the colors there this time of year, everything was so dull, so I spent a lot of my time taking pictures while I was there. Enough to have to separate this post into two parts. This post consists of my Canon G9 pictures... I will put some of the shots I took with my 5D in the next one.

Took a 15 minute flight in a little puddle jumper over to the island.

Some of the strongest winds I have ever experienced. My friend Toohey was literately leaning up against the wind.





House on stilts.



The flight back...this shows how small the plane really was... I was sitting in the very back.

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Friday, November 20, 2009

Hide and Seek

Hide and Seek

Sorry about the lack of posts recently, no I'm not hiding... just been incredibly busy with work and trying to get ready to move out to California. Hopefully I'll have time to put up more stuff soon.

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Tuesday, November 3, 2009

essa catalog

A little over a year ago I was asked to design eesa's 08-09 consumer catalog... I have yet to put the thing up on my site, but here is a digital version if you haven't seen it already. View it in fullscreen mode... it will look a lot better, or go here.

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